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Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Nail Case Tidy-Up

Hello lovelies!

I spend alot of time trying to find certain items when Im doing my nails. Its abit of a nightmare, so I thought id have a little 'tidy up' with my nail case.

Below is a before image and as you can tell - I dont know where anything is!!

Lets start with organising some polishes. Here are my trusted brand of polish - Barry M!! As you can see, I dont have that many and some are duplicates. I am in need of some more and as soon as I see '3 for 2' in boots - Ill be stocking up!!!

Do you like my desk? I decorated it myself *proud*

Next is my small yet ever growing nails inc selection. I do adore the kelloggs red, its such a beautiful vibrant red. My next favourite is 'Special Effects' which I got for Christmas from a lovely friend. Its sooo sparkley!!

Right, this section consists of my 'art' pieces such as rinestones, stickers, gems, wraps, flowers and much more! Its still so tiny, so I need to buy more, more, more!

The next 2 sections were based on polishes and things I use the most...

Nail care section - includes buffers, toe seperators, hand/nail cream, cuticle cream, files, q tips etc

This is the final result!!

As you can see the middle compartment is still 'messy' but Ive made a seperator, so now I have nail polishes on one side and art pens on the other :)

I think my ever growing polish collection is soon going to mean that my nail case cant take anymore. *sob* Sooo, Im hoping to invest in a nail polish rack in the near future!!

Something similar to this;
Have a jolly good day!
Lots of love,


  1. I desperately need new storage for mine, my drawers full to the brim.


  2. SOOOO JEALOUS of all your nail varnishes!!! and we have the same carry case just different colours woooo :) great post xxx

  3. I seriously need a decent case, the one I have is an old make up case and its full to the brim!

  4. Amazon has some great racks in stock atm I just updated my collection on my blog as I just bought a rack its sooo pretty

  5. Blimey I thought I had a lot of nail polishes! You have so so many and they are gorgeous! I'm new to your blog and loving it, definitely following! XxxX

  6. Thanks :) I have gained so much more recently. oh dear! Im a polish-o-holic! xx
