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Monday, 23 January 2012

Would you wear a vagina on your nails?!

Hello all :) ... and yes you did read the title correctly!!

I was browsing the internet looking for nail related things, as you do! When I came across these nail wraps designed by Meadham Kirchhoff. They are inspired by their new spring/summer 2012 range of clothes;


 And here are the nail wraps;


Firstly, I think the designs are amazing. Very kitsch and 50s and very me!! Thank goodness someone has designed a nail wrap that isnt spotty, stripy or animal print. I do love these, but theres so many out there and its getting a little boring.

Hopefully this is a sneak peek of what to expect from nail wraps in the future :)

I just dont understand the vagina?! What do you think? To me, it looks a little out of place inbetween all of the other cool prints, but it does make this set unique and makes me want it even more. A very good marketing ploy, But Im dont think its something I could wear to work!!

If you are interested then you can grab your hands on a set in February when they will be launched in Topshop for £8.

My top tip would be to snap them up as soon as you see them, as I predict these will be huge!

lots of love,

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