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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Nails Inc: Bow - Im the bling of the world!

Hello gorgeous readers and hello gorgeous polishes.....

I saw this beautiful 3 piece polish set and had to snap it up straight away. Its 'Bow' by Nails inc. Ive never heard of Bow Wow before but apperently its exclusive to argos, a catalogue shop in the UK.  Its not reduced to £12.99 (438/6988) and this is the link clickity click.

Here are the 3 polishes with a little swatch;

Im bling of the world

Im blingin' in the rain

She's electric

I have to admit, I only bought this set because of 'Im bling of the world'. How gorgeous is that glitter? So many colours!!

I have managed to test 2 colours;

This was my least favourite colour, and I nearly never bought the pack because of it. Im so glad I changed my mind though! Once applied to the nails it looks so pretty and shiny.  Definatly happy I have this colour in my collection.
The polish itself is very watery but still seems to look thick enough. The above picture is taken with only one coat, so it cant be too bad, right?!

Ok, as much as I love this colour on its own, I just had to try out the glitter. Obviously.


Love, love, love!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you think of the colours? Have you tried any of the 'Bow' range? Just need to check out the sparkly purple, which Im sure will please me just like the rest.

My verdict on 'Bow' by nails inc - FABULOUS!!


  1. I enjoyed reading your posts! I like all the nail art and would love to see the sparkly purple polish. I loveeee nail polish too, but I don't know how to do nail art so I just keep it simple with different shades and what not. Thanks for all the neat posts-keep it up! :)

  2. Thanks! Nail art can be anything, from dots and stripes to actual drawings of flowers and animals. Keep it simple with dots, its an easy design that stands out and always gets compliments! xxx

  3. Ooo wow I love these! :D Love anything with glitter.

  4. Oh, these are lovely! The pearly one reminds me of the new Kardashian Kolours It's All About the Glam, although this seems more pearlescent. I don't have anything that colour tho!

    PS - new follower, through #bbloggers ^_^

    ~ Lauren <3

  5. I bought these from Argos today, now reduced to £7.99! If you use the purple and then the bling of the world on too you get a nail of sheer glitter that looks amazing!
