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Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Glitter Point - Nails Inc

Hello my lovelies!!
Today Im trying out afew of my Nails Inc polishes. As you all know my favourite brand of polish is and will probably always be Barry M - But a girls got to try others, right?
Ive selected a gorgeous deep red - Piccadilly Circus and an amazing special effects glitter - Electric Lane.

I didnt know what design to do, so I made it up as I went along. Not a good idea but I suppose its one way of experimenting!

After painting my nails all red, I added the glitter top coat to form a triangle point. This was easily created by using tape to make sure the lines were perfect. You need to use a medical tape and make sure your nails are completely dry before attatching it.

I added a little rinestone at the top of each point to create a focal point. Looking at my nails now, this would have been perfect for a Christmas Tree if done with green polish. This is something I shall try out nearer Christmas time!

Its so hard to photograph!

I apologise that my photos aren't that good. The polish is very shiny and it took ages for my camera to decide to focus on anything :(

My opinion on Nails Inc is that its pretty damn good. I adore the glitter top coat and know it will come in handy for so many designs. The polish glides on your nails easy and leaves a smooth texture, and as I said above its very shiny!
I think Nails Inc will be my second choice of polish and this is because Nails Inc costs around £11 a bottle, where as with Barry M they cost just £2.99! (and also because I am faithful to my first love and will always be haha)

Thats all from me today, I hope youve enjoyed reading! Please leave a quick comment below and if you're not following my blog (and why not!?!?!) then you can easily do this by heading to the top of the page on the right and clicking 'Join This Site'.

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